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Upcoming Events at FPC Olathe 

Health & Wellness Ministry - 1st Annual Health Fair

Jesus taught, proclaimed the gospel, and healed every kind of disease and sickness (physical, mental, spiritual)… and he sent out his followers to do the same (Matthew 4:23; Luke 9:2, 10:9; Mark16:15-17). Since God cares about our spirit, mind and body, then we should also care!

Our sponsors, Olathe Medical Center and Health System and The Health Partnership join over 30 area health providers and businesses join are offering free health screenings, seminars, activities, information and more! Open to all ages with activities and free day care for children under 8 (reservations required). Entertainment provided and refreshments available. To participate as a sponsor, vendor or volunteer - call our Community Outreach Director.


See page below for more details and schedule.

Precept Classes continue

We will begin a study of the Book of Matthew on February 8th. The class lasts for 16 weeks and includes DVD instruction.
Precepts studies use the Inductive Study Method - an investigative approach to the Bible using three basic components: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. Although individual study is the first step, we encourage group discussion of personal observations and insights so confirmation, clarification, and correction are made in the fellowship of other students.

Discipleship course at FPC Olathe

The course begins with an exploration of Jesus calling the twelve and moves through a session on the meaning of discipleship. The remaining sessions allow participants to reflect on the nature of the Christian faith, to practice spiritual disciplines in a variety of contexts, and to explore what it means to share faith with others.

Participants who complete this course will have a better understanding of discipleship within a community of disciples, the church.

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