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Opportunities to Serve - Volunteer Now!


We have all sorts of great opportunities for you to get involved here in your community!


  • Front Line Team

           ~ Welcoming visitors, attending session meetings or chamber events, help with events, and more!


  • Engage Kids

           ~ Teachers and/or Helpers for Sunday School, reach out to local schools, clubs and agencies for youth.


  • Community & Special Events

           ~ Committee leadership and planning - help us reach out to learn what our church is offering our community!

            ~ Setup for Community Events and special programs, serve on committees, develop programs and more!

             * Volunteers needed to call area businesses for contributions  (gifts, certificates, prizes and giveaways) for our Health Fair next Month!


  • Bible study, Special Interest/Support Groups, Classes

            ~ Women's Study, Men's Bible Group, Quilting, Nutrition or Exercise Classes (Yoga, Senior Stretching, etc)

         ~ Interested in facilitating a support group or class? Need space for an existing group to expand? Contact us!


  • Music & Media Teams

            ~ Special performances, choir membership and weekly worship opportunities

            ~ Video and Media Production, Bloggers, photographers, videographers - come share your talents with us!



If you are interested in any of these areas just send us an email or fill out one of our Blue Cards on Sunday and drop it into one of the baskets on Sunday or just call! 913-782-0140.

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